Complaint Reporting
LSUCCC Complaint Form - In accordance with the rules promulgated by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council (LSUCCC), any individual, corporation, or partnership alleging a violation of La. R.S. 40:1730.21 et seq. shall execute the complaint form as provided by the LSUCCC. Failure to provide all information requested may render the complaint invalid.
Contact Assistant Chief James Edwards, Administrator of the LSUCCC, should you have any questions or need further information. He can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at (318) 767-6094, ext. 334
Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council
Complaint Form Checklist
This information is provided in an attempt to assist with execution of the form.
- Date:
The date the form is executed by the complainant.
- Complaint's Name:
First, last, and middle initial of the individual alleging the non-compliance.
- Address:
The complete mailing address of the individual alleging the non-compliance.
- Telephone Number:
Provide the home, business, or mobile telephone number, including the area code and/or telephone number extensions of the individual alleging the non-compliance.
- Complaint Against:
The name of the individual or organization to which the complaint is alleged. This information needs to be very specific.
- Location of Project:
The complete mailing address (including zip code) of the location of the alleged non-compliant project shall be provided or the complaint will not be processed.
- Complaint Description:
It is the obligation of the individual alleging the non-compliance to provide specific statute, LSUCCC rule, or technical code section(s) (including the article, statute part, LSUCCC rule number and/or technical code section or sub-section numbers) references to substantiate the non-compliance. General statements like “plumbing not to code” are unacceptable and shall result in the complaint being rejected. Any additional information (e.g. photos, copies of permits, or construction documents) will be accepted provided the required specific form information is also provided. Please note that the form requires the complainant to print or type all information.
- The form shall be signed and dated by the individual alleging the non-compliance.
- All information shall be legible, or the complaint will be subject to rejection.